experimental performance to speculate on the future of communing and communication, using unlicensed radio broadcasts to disrupt the noise of information. Using Raspberry Pi computers converted into FM transmitters (a novel but well trialled application), the piece is composed of 6 radios, each tuned to a location specific terrestrial frequency; 2 national political talk stations, a local talk station, a folk / traditional / classical music station and static / white noise. These radios all sound at once, creating an overwhelming wall of live noise and information. The 6 corresponding Raspberry Pis are coded to interrupt each radio by transmitting on the same frequency in small bursts. Throughout the performance the Pis constantly hijack the radios, causing them to play pre recorded musical gestures, speech or field recordings. This can happen radio by radio; the political talk station briefly

The piece explores the specific radio landscape that it's being performed in, amplifying its significance as an allegory for the overwhelming amount of fractured information we receive day to day. The Raspberry Pis’ consistent, unauthorised interruption of this, explores a method of resistance through harmony and beauty, long explored by unlicensed broadcasting through pirate and HAM radio transmissions.